It occurs gradually over time, but it does not flow like many think.
It takes choosing to change, every single day.
It's not an all of a sudden, BAM WAM ALAKAZAM, and walla!
You're a different person!
It's a lot like pick-axing the dirt every day to level out your field so it is sturdy enough to build a house on top of it.
You have to make a choice every day to wake-up, pick up that pick-axe and work your little heart away at it, because in the end, you know it'll be worth every drop of sweat, every tear stain, every cry of plea that all you want to do is just give up; but you don't.
Then you get up the next morning and push through all of it all over again, because that's how you reach your end goal, that's the journey, that's where you learn who you are.
I choose, every day, to be different than who I was yesterday, even by the smallest of fractions.
And even though I've lost my way countless of times and I've gone on side-tracks and side-roads; I always end up right back here. In my little field of growth. Where the garden blooms so wildly and the weeds have started to strangle my beautiful flowers.
I'm back here, weeding, pick-axing, shoveling, carrying, painting, because this place, my place, deserves my attention.
Hopefully I can stay here for a little while more.
I really do like it here :)
So here's to me, and any one else reading this blog, it's time to go and pick-up your weapon of choice. Whether it be a shovel, a pick-axe, or your own bare hands, go ahead and level out your field, and bravely, pain-stakingly, with all of the might you can muster up, build your palace.
Create your own haven, where you are proud of every every knook and cranny, because you faught for it.
You deserve it.
My childhood favourite and forever my choice book:
"The Lost Flower Children" by Janet Taylor Lisle
"The Lost Flower Children" by Janet Taylor Lisle