So I really REALLY want to go on this SOS trip to Nicaragua in May. I'd be going with either a group of viu or uvic students there to help build a K-7 elementary school. Which would be the most rewarding, amazing and life full-filling experience I've ever had to date. Here are the:
10 reasons why I should NOT go to Nicaragua:
1) I'd be totally alone on my own devices. Terrifying.
2) I've never been on an airplane with someone, let alone by myself! Terrifying.
3) What if there are bugs there that could kill me? Any one who knows me at all knows I have a weird irrational (I personally think it's totally rational) phobia when it comes to bugs... especially spiders. Good god what if there are giant spiders there? Terrifying.
4) I have no idea what I'm really getting myself into here. Am I really ready for something like this? That has this much responsibility tied into it? Terrifying.
5) Would I get internet there?! How am I supposed to go two weeks without talking to my parents to make sure that they don't completey freak?! Terrifying.
6) It would happen during my 19th birthday. During my brothers 23rd birthday. During MOTHERS DAY. They are not going to be happy campers when they figure that out... and by they I mean my mom and dad. Terrifying.
7) It's going to cost a lot of money to go, and I'm going to have to somehow persuade my parents to pay that cost for me. And this time I'd probably have to go to work when I got back to pay them back for once. Terrifying. (yes, I know I'm a spoiled brat...leave me alone haha)
8) What if I catch some weird sickness and bring it home and it gets transferred to my mom?! She has the weakest immune system ever and if she ever caught a foreign sickness, the likelyness of her dying is extremely high. Beyond terrifying.
9) What if I get there, and it turns out, I can't handle the emotional stress of it all and breakdown in front of everyone? Terrifying.
10) Does being completely terrified in it self count as a reason? I think it should.
The 10 reasons counter-acting each of my 10 reasons to not go:
1) I'd be completely alone to my own devices for once in my life. Isn't that a good thing? I'm going to have to face that fate at some point sooner or later, so why not now on this trip? It would be good for me.
3) There is no reason to counter-act this one. Bugs have no upside. I'll just have to learn how to sleep with my eyes open for two weeks and pile on the bug spray (hopefully bugspray is allowed!)
4) I need to learn to face my fears of not being able to control everything. Somethings I will never truly be ready for no matter how much I prepare, so I might as well just jump in now!
5) They will live. I'm pretty sure it's just me who will have withdrawals from facebook...oh facebook how I will miss you.
6) I can celebrate being 19 when I get home. Who cares if it'll be a little over a week after my actual birthday? I never even usually celebrate my birthday anyways haha. My brother will live. Once again my mom and dad will also live through this... bunch of babies.
7) I need to get a summer job anyways when I get back.
8) That's not going to happen. It'll be okay. Calm down over-reacting me.
9) Well... I guess then I have a break down hahaha. I have break downs when I'm sitting at home doing nothing. At least that time I'd be having one in Nicaragua helping better peoples lives.
10) I'm completely terrified of a lot of things. And honestly I need to start learning how to get over those fears.
Now the 10 reasons why I SHOULD go:
1) It would be the most amazing experience ever
2) I've always wanted to do something like this, and now I actually have the option to!
3) I won't always have so much time on my hands to do stuff like this as I get older.
4) Carpe diem anybody?
5) I would be helping those poor children. How can I not go and lend a hand?
6) Everything just feels so right when I think about going.
7) It would be so good for me to do something like this. I know I need to start changing myself for the good. Here's the perfect way to start that.
8) I've been feeling like I needed to escape from my normal life for a while now, here's a two week one.
9) I'd be doing something that I don't think many people would expect me to do.
10) I need to just go talk to the SOS people already. I know I want to go. I need to get over my fear and just DO IT.
So yah.... that's that haha. I'm still not sure if I'm going to end up going or not. I guess we'll have to wait and see if irrational scaredy-cat me wins over rational me.
Wait reason #11 why I shouldn't go? I am the pickiest eater in the entire world....and I'm going to have to eat whatever they give issue... I don't eat red meat and I bet that's on the diet plan.
Maybe I'm just not ready for somethng like this yet?